999 nine hours nine persons nine doors pc
999 nine hours nine persons nine doors pc

999 nine hours nine persons nine doors pc 999 nine hours nine persons nine doors pc

The second gameplay mechanic comes into play when searching a numbered room. There are also a few optional conversations which help to flesh out the other characters, but they aren’t at all important to the plot and can be easily avoided however, they do offer some very interesting stories, as well as making players aware of some interesting real world facts and theories. The discussions during these sections can tend to drag on at times, but the vast majority of them are integral to the plot. At times, you’ll also be able to make decisions, such as what teams you want to form in order to enter a locked door and what areas you want to investigate first. These sections primarily exist to help drive the plot forward, letting the player know what’s going on, what they should be doing, and where they should be. The first is a text-driven graphic novel that provides character illustrations and a background for the environments. Nine Doors gameplay is split into three parts. The characters are also diverse and fleshed out with plenty of personality, making interacting with them feel that much more immersive. Playing out like mystery novel, the story retains its intrigue by offering new plot revelations and drama where appropriate. Going by the alias “Zero”, the voice informs the 9 captives that they are trapped on a slowly sinking ship, and if they desire to escape before the ship goes down, they must participate in what is known as the “Nonary Game”, a series of varying cryptic puzzles involving the number 9.

999 nine hours nine persons nine doors pc

Suddenly, and out of nowhere, a strange and distorted voice chimes in over the speaker.

999 nine hours nine persons nine doors pc

After a short introduction to the group, they come to realize that not only do none of them remember how they got there, but they each have a strange bracelet with an electronic display attached to their wrist, each displaying a number from 1 to 9. Soon after, he meets up with 8 other people, one of which is a childhood friend called Akane Kurashiki who he has not seen for quite some time, and all claiming to also have escaped from a locked room. Junpei quickly searches for a way to escape the locked room, barely avoiding a watery demise. No sooner after coming to this realization, the cabin’s outer window bursts open, allowing an unstoppable flow of sea water to come flooding in and start filling up the room. Having been startled awake by what sounds like an explosion, he finds himself trapped in what appears to be a ship’s cabin. The story puts players in the shoes of Junpei, a 21-year-old college student.

999 nine hours nine persons nine doors pc